Your child will learn the basics of Volleyball during the 2024 Volleyball Camp! Register your child today!


Available Monday and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

BOUNCE IT! is a cardiovascular training class that uses low-impact trampolines to maximize the benefits of exercise. 

During the session, you will follow a series of choreographed moves, including jumps, kicks, squats, abdominal mobility, and glute-focused movements all on the trampoline. Lively background music helps keep you motivated throughout the workout!

SPIN & Power Cycling

Available Mondays and Wednesday Evenings

Spin, or cycling, is a low-impact, high-intensity workout that utilizes stationary bikes to target all major muscle groups, including your quads, calves, glutes, and core.

During the session, you will follow your instructor as they lead you through challenging exercises, such as sprints and climbs-all set to a lively soundtrack that will keep you moving!

Spin is back!!


No registration required!

Have your teen join us for a fun lock

Geared for teens 6-12th grade, teens are supervised by Boys and Girls Club & CORE staff and volunteers. 

They are encouraged to participate in the Be Strong Families #WOWTalk, a mental health conversation for teens by teens, enjoy recreational time, and go swimming!